
WordFind screen shot.
NOTE: The original WordFind is no longer supported. This page describes the second edition, also known as WordFind2.


WordFind is an Android game app based on a popular game with an unpleasant name (Hangman). It is Open Source and free to one and all.

This edition (WordFind2) uses the GW library for the user interface. It has many new features and uses more efficient algorithms.

How to play: The program randomly chooses a text from a file. The text may contain one word or entire phrases. It is then displayed with all letters shown as dots (not periods). All other characters are shown correctly.

For example,
"I'M THE 2ND PERSON." is displayed
"•'• ••• 2•• ••••••."

Your job is to try to find the missing letters. Enter your tries with the displayed keyboard. Every time you pick a correct letter, the text is redisplayed with that letter. For the above example, if you enter "E" then the text would be redisplayed as
"•'• ••• 2•• ••••••."

The keys you press are disabled and cannot be pressed again. A running count of right and wrong tries is displayed, as well as the number of allowed tries and the number of tries left. You are allowed up to 13 wrong tries.

If you guess all the letters correctly, you will be congratulated. If you use up all allowed tries, you will be admonished. Either way you will be asked if you want to play again. You will also be given the option to look up the text using several websites including Wikipedia.

The texts are in a file called WordFind.wft, and this Help file is WordFindHelp.wfh. There is an additional text file called Expressions.wft with common multi-word expressions. You can also create your own files which must be simple text files with extension ".wft".

At the top right corner of the screen there is a button for a pop-up menu. Here is a description of each menu item:

Text : Skip - Skips the current text and randomly chooses another text.

Text : Count - Displays the number of texts in the current text file.

Text : Starts With - You will be prompted for a letter from A to Z, or ANY. Pick a letter and all subsequent texts will start with that letter. ANY will allow all texts (default action).

File : Pick - Shows a list of all files in the "WordFind2" folder with file type ".wft", and allows you to pick one. By default, the texts are in a file called WordFind.wft in that folder.

File : Edit - Allows you to edit the current text file. You will be prompted for a letter from A to Z. Then all texts that begin with the chosen letter will be displayed in an editable window. You can add, modify or delete texts. Case is ignored as all text will be converted to upper case.

File : Merge - Allows you to select a text file (except the current file) and merge it into the current file.

File : New - To create a new text file, you will be prompted for a file name (except the current file). The extension defaults to "wft". The file will be empty but you can add texts by using the "File : Edit" and "File : Merge" functions.

File : Rename - Allows you to select a text file (except the current file) and a new name. The extension defaults to ".wft".

File : Delete - Allows you to select a text file (except the current file) and delete it.

File : Recover - This item is only available if WordFind is running from an APK, rather than interpretivelly. This allows you to recover text files from the APK if a file was damaged, or for any other reason.

Help : Edit - The Help file (yes, this file!) can be edited. Note that HTML tags are supported.

Voice: On - Turns on speech synthesis (if your device supports it). From then on all texts and messages will be spoken as well as displayed.

Voice: Off - Turns off speech synthesis.

Visit: Websites - Visit our websites and look for WordFind updates.

Parms: Set - Allows you to set default values for these parameters:

The parameters are saved in a file called WordFind.ini

You can run WordFind two different ways:

  1. You can download the source files and run it with the RFO-Basic interpreter. You must have already installed RFO-Basic on your Android device. Then you can download the WordFind source files from the next section and copy them into the approriate RFO-Basic folders in your Android device.

  2. AND / OR

  3. You can download the compiled version of WordFind in APK format from this site. Then you can install it on your Android device without the need for the RFO-Basic interpreter app. This APK was produced using the BASIC! Compiler written by mougino.

Release History

Version Date Description Source APK
WordFind2 20210204 February 4, 2021
  1. Complete rewrite of the entire app.
  2. Used GW library instead of graphics commands.
  3. Added many new features.
Downloaded 92 times
Downloaded 155 times
WordFind 20200627 June 27, 2020
  1. Fixed bugs related to compiled version.
  2. Added "Expressions.wft" file.
Downloaded 121 times
Downloaded 389 times
WordFind 20170522 May 22, 2017
  1. Added Merge Text File function.
  2. Added Visit Website function.
  3. Improved file/folder browsing.
  4. Combined original default text file with optional "Expressions" text file, creating a new default text file.
Downloaded 509 times
Downloaded 551 times
WordFind 20170421 April 24, 2017
  • First release.
Downloaded 553 times
Downloaded 1022 times

Hope you enjoy playing WordFind, and Good Luck!