
MoneyBox screen shot.
MoneyBox is an Android app that will help you count the money that you have in a money box (also called a cash box). You can count everything from pennies to $20 bills. It is Open Source and free to one and all. It was written in RFO-Basic and runs on any Android device.

The TYPE column shows the different denominations. In the COUNT column you can enter the number of coins or bills you have counted for each denomination. So if you have five nickels and two dimes, you would enter 5 next to NICKEL and 2 next to DIME.

If you have rolls of coins, or wrapped packs of bills, you enter the number of rolls (or packs of bills) in the ROLLS column. Remember to enter the number of rolls, not the number of coins in each roll.

The RESULT column will show you the amount of money for each denomination. The TOTAL field will show the total amount of money for all denominations combined.

To enter numbers, select a field by touching it. Then use the number keys (0 to 9). You can also use the UP and DOWN keys to increment or decrement the selected field. The BACK SPACE key will delete the last digit in the selected field. CLEAR ALL will delete all numbers from all fields.

The reason there is no field available for DOLLAR ROLLS, is that it is the only denomination for which banks have different pack sizes. Therefore, MoneyBox would not know how many dollar bills are in a pack.

FYI, the following table shows the more common standard coin roll and bill pack sizes:

Coin Color Value Per Roll Total
Penny red $0.01 50 $0.50
Nickel blue $0.05 40 $2
Dime green $0.10 50 $5
Quarter orange $0.25 40 $10
1/2 Dollar tan $0.50 20 $10
Bill Color Value Per Pack Total
Single black $1 25 $25
Single orange $1 50 $50
Single blue $1 100 $100
Single green $1 200 $200
Single pink $1 250 $250
Two green $2 100 $200
Five red $5 100 $500
Ten yellow $10 100 $1,000
Twenty violet $20 100 $2,000
Fifty brown $50 100 $5,000
Hundred mustard $100 100 $10,000

You can run MoneyBox two different ways:
  1. You can download the source files and run it with the RFO-Basic interpreter. You must have already installed RFO-Basic on your Android device. Then you can download the MoneyBox source files from this site, and copy them into the approriate RFO-Basic folders in your Android device.

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    To install, copy the contents of the Source and Data directories to the same directories on your Android device (in your RFO-Basic directory) as follows:

    File path Description
    Source/MoneyBox.bas Main souce file
    Data/MoneyBox.html html source file

  2. You can download the compiled version of MoneyBox in APK format from this site. Then you can install it on your Android device without the need for the RFO-Basic interpreter app. This APK was produced using the BASIC! Compiler written by mougino.

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Hope you enjoy using MoneyBox!