LibComp (LibraryCompiler) is a utility for creating user libraries and residents for the PureBasic language.
The following sections describe each of the above mentioned tabs.
• Select PureBasic code containing your procedures.
Example: GetOsName.pbProcedureDLL.s GetOSName() ;-Get OS Name
Protected Size
Protected Name$
Protected Result
Protected Key
" + #DQUOTE$ + "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" + #DQUOTE$ + ",0,#KEY_ALL_ACCESS,@Key)" + #CRLF If Result=0" + #CRLF RegQueryValueEx_(Key," + #DQUOTE$ + "ProductName" + #DQUOTE$ + ",0,0,@Name$,@Size)" + #CRLF RegCloseKey_(Key)" + #CRLF EndIf" + #CRLF ProcedureReturn Name$" + #CRLF EndProcedure" + #CRLF
• The compile button creates an ASM file containing the assembler code of your procedures, as well as a DESC file containing the description of each of your procedures and the system dependencies necessary for the library.
• The help for each of your procedures is automatically added to the DESC file. You have the ability to modify the content.
Example: GetOSName, () - Returns the name of the operating system.• Finally, the Make Lib button creates the library in the "Libraries\UserLibraries" folder of the PureBasic installation folder.
• Restart compiler. (IDE: Menu Compiler -> Restart compiler)
Version | Date | Description | Source |
20210226 | June 26, 2021 |
Downloaded 68 times |